Reasons To Keep "Fat Burner" Supplements Away From Young Athletes

weight loss

Supplements marketed as "fat burners" are typically packed with stimulants, including caffeine and the rest of the ingredients listed in the top row of the table above. While some of the ingredients in meticore as fat burners may slightly increase lipolysis, the primary effects of these supplements-- and the primary dangers-- are related to the stimulants.

Inadequate nutrition

Stimulants can temporarily enhance mental focus and the feeling of being "energized," and thereby suppress appetite. This is the main way weight loss supplements promote caloric restriction, which then leads to weight loss. Significant caloric restriction can be particularly troublesome for kids and young athletes because it reduces intake of nutrients necessary to support growth, activity, and recovery. In addition to energy, kids get most of their vitamins and minerals from food. Weight loss supplements disrupt normal nutrient intake, which can leave kids low on calcium, iron, fat-soluble vitamins, and other important nutrients.

Trouble Sleeping

Adults commonly use stimulants-- mostly caffeine-- to increase alertness and mental focus. They consume coffee in the morning to "wake up" and caffeinated drinks later in the day to "stay awake." Kids and young athletes have far less experience with stimulants and are not habituated to the amounts of caffeine adults commonly consume. To up the ante, meticore often contain considerably higher amounts of caffeine and other stimulants compared to a cup of coffee or a caffeinated soda. When exposed to large doses of stimulants with little or no tolerance already built up, kids and young athletes are more likely to experience adverse reactions. They may feel jittery or lightheaded, experience a racing heart rate, sweat profusely, and feel nauseated. These effects may last longer than they anticipate, leading to insomnia. Over-exposure to stimulants can even lead to heart arrhythmias.


Adults who commonly consume caffeine adapt to its mild diuretic effect. Kids and young athletes who are not habituated to caffeine are more likely to become dehydrated after consuming stimulants. This risk is exacerbated by loss of appetite and/or nausea, because a significant portion of a person's daily fluid intake comes from food. Visit our website for getting Meticore Reviews right now.

Inability to Focus (over-use of stimulants).

The stimulants in weight loss supplements may increase alertness and improve focus for a little while, but these effects diminish with continual use. Mental and physical rest are essential for refreshing a person's ability to focus, which is particularly important for success in school and sport. Stimulants can not overcome fatigue, and young people who use stimulant-heavy weight loss supplements quickly find it difficult to focus, study, or stay on task.

Short Cut Mentality.

Perhaps even more important than the acute negative effects, meticore encourage the idea that short cuts are acceptable in place of hard work. Throughout life, healthy weight management is best achieved through healthy food choices, eating to support an active lifestyle, and exercising for both health and performance. Improving sport performance, getting good grades, and earning the respect of your peers all take time and hard work, and weight loss supplements-- like other forms of short cuts-- devalue the commitment and work ethic parents and coaches try to encourage in young people.


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